What kind of a food writer am I that I
haven't been to Stage yet? How depressing. For those of you itching to get your fix of Jon Matsubara/Couture Cuisine, this past week has been rife with such related material. Today's Weekend Midweek features Chef Matsubara on the cover, offering an in-depth look at the restaurant and the man behind it. Wanda Adams also provides a glowing review today, admitting to finally having found a foam worthy of praise. Earlier on Sunday Nadine Kam writes a positive review as well, though pointing out more errors.
Jon Matsubara seems to have attracted an impressive arsenal of former Alan Wong's long-timers, such as manager Charly Yoshida, Pineapple Room chef de cuisine Ron de Guzman (now Stage's exec sous), and shockingly, pastry chef Mark Okumura, who had been with Wong since the very beginning. Where's the love?
In regards to 'Elua, the Padovani-Donato venture that has skeptics and hopefuls alike, the restaurant opens TOMORROW (!), serving lunch from 11:30 am to 2 pm and dinner from 6-10 pm. Too bad for L'Uraku, but hopefully 'Elua can fill in the shoes well. 955-ELUA.