Well, this is simply delicious! The F.D.A. has issued its long-awaited statement declaring cloned meat products safe to eat. Sooo...I expect to be seeing meat and milk from clones of farm animals soon on market shelves? Here we are again, at that touchy subject of genes and food. If it were up to me--alas, it is not--banning GMO produce and foodstuffs would not be out of the question. Why is modern society so desperate to play God?
Of course, my conservative Judeo-Christian perspective does not apply nor appeal to everyone. I personally would rather wait for late spring for the best tomatoes and not even have to think about those grainy, hard, cold, perfect greenhouse blobs that have been blasted with ripening ethylene gas. That's just me, eh? I love heirloom tomatoes in all their imperfect glory.
So, then, why are farmers hankering to get more junk to us consumers? Ahhh, the price and labor issue. Imagine not having to wait around for cows to "come into heat." Imagine only having to deal with set bovine age groups, not individual units needing personal care. THEN imagine the farm demand for beef and such suddenly so much lower, the farm's labor cost so much lower, and therefore the retail price so much lower! Happy America! Or not. Or just not happy Ty. At least North Shore Cattle Company will be getting more business from me. And say hello to Whole Foods.