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December 02, 2007


Kawehi Haug

Thanks so much for the kind words. Funny story: My father was Googling me and came across your blog and made sure I knew that someone "who sounds like they know what they're talking about" mentioned me. It's always astonishing to discover that people do indeed read what I write. And sometimes they like it.
I too enjoy your blog and refer to it often when trying to navigate this city's culinary landscape. Keep up the good work.
I work for the Honolulu Advertiser now as an entertainment reporter and have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to review a restaurant now and again.
Happy New Year.


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Book of the Month

  • http://
    With fun illustrations by her younger brother spanning the pages, Chef Liz Falkner's book is a joy to read and cook from. The recipes start off simple, with Falkner offering what she deems the perfect chocolate chip cookie (who doesn't want one of those?), slowly transforming into creations as complex as those served in her restaurant-bakery in San Francisco.
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