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October 02, 2007



The beauty of being able to expand and keep a certain standard of quality and excellence is indeed the ultimate challenge. A michelin star is an unbelievable achievement, with his expansion Thomas Keller has held a total of 7 in unison. Amazing. I do believe there are some chefs who are able to trust the people who have been there learning the technique and philosophy as Thomas has with Corey Lee of TFL and Jonathan Benno of Per se. If you are able to get out to the laundry or to Per se, the experience will not miss a beat because Thomas Keller is no longer searing you whole roasted Foie or mounting the "mac and Cheese" u are about to enjoy. Even if you do miss him, ask for a tour of the kitchen and u may just catch a glimpse with live feed video cameras in Napa and New York. Control and organization is what fuels the continual quest for perfection. I agree with the romanticism of chef- driven restaurants, you may want to check out The Dining Room at The Ritz Carlton SF. Ron Sigel is someone I have had the opportunity of working with for a couple years. His devotion to one restaurant is admirable. If you ever want to experience a chef of his caliber cooking on the line, searing your piece of Foie, please make a visit. He works the line.



I would listen to that Chris guy, I assure you he knows what he is talking about 100%.

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    With fun illustrations by her younger brother spanning the pages, Chef Liz Falkner's book is a joy to read and cook from. The recipes start off simple, with Falkner offering what she deems the perfect chocolate chip cookie (who doesn't want one of those?), slowly transforming into creations as complex as those served in her restaurant-bakery in San Francisco.
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