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August 03, 2007



Just had Thanksgiving dinner at Elua and it was fabulous from the moment we entered until I accidently walked out the front door instead of taking the elevator to the parking garage. Must have been the dessert sampler that cause the confusion. Three couses that were a feast for both the eye and the palate. I don't think there's anything on the menu that isn't terrific. Add in good wines by the glass and impecable service and you have a what you should come to expect from these two fine chefs.

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Book of the Month

  • http://
    With fun illustrations by her younger brother spanning the pages, Chef Liz Falkner's book is a joy to read and cook from. The recipes start off simple, with Falkner offering what she deems the perfect chocolate chip cookie (who doesn't want one of those?), slowly transforming into creations as complex as those served in her restaurant-bakery in San Francisco.
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