Don't panic. Don't panic. OK, maybe there is need for panic. I'm not much for "guy food," as you may recall, but I certainly respect Grant Achatz, and if he loses his battle against cancer, I shall be very sad, as will many devotees of his Chicago restaurant Alinea. His diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma is not uncommon, especially in fair-skinned Caucasians. Caught early, it's completely curable, but in the advanced stage, which Achatz has, it may cause disfigurement, and what worries me more is his cancer is in the mouth, making it easier for the cells to spread to other areas. Hopefully treatment is successful and we can look forward to good news ahead. Here's today's Chicago Sun-Times with the article.
The news is quite sad. I haven't been to Alinea, but plan to visit Chicago again sometime in the next couple of years.
Posted by: Reid | July 24, 2007 at 11:01 PM